OGCR employees creating public art

We facilitate MIT's relationships with governmental agencies, public officials, civic leaders, and community-based organizations.


Government Relations

The Office of Government and Community Relations acts as a liaison between MIT and the local and state government, working closely with the Cambridge City Council and the General Court (legislature) of Massachusetts. The Office also facilitates relationships with the executive branches of the state and local government.

The MIT Washington Office primarily handles activities with the federal government, including the United States Congress and executive agencies of the federal government.

Community Relations

The Office coordinates MIT's community relations activities in Cambridge and beyond, and supports the MIT community-at-large in a broad range of activities. OGCR staff are available as a resource to members of the Institute community who need information or assistance with the government, and to MIT's neighbors who need guidance in their interactions with the Institute. The Office is firmly committed to promoting town-gown collaboration and understanding. At the Institute, OGCR is a communications link, a catalyst for action, and a resource for both MIT and the external community.

Reach out to us

Sarah Gallop
Annalisa Bhatia
Associate Director
Anya Alexandra Bear
Community Engagement Administrator
Rohan Kundargi
K-12 Community Outreach Administrator
Logan Read
Communications Specialist